This file documents what I would do to setup a new computer with my preferred command line environment. Feel free to customize as appropriate. Goto and install cygwin I use the following: - install from Internet - Root Directory: c:\cygwin - Install for All Users - Default Text File Type: Unix/binary - Local Package directory: c:\cygwin\Download - I often use I install the following packages in addition to the default: Devel make subversion This should be enough to use the build system I use (you'll need to also install some compiler as well). I also like to install the following, although is more for my own benefit: Archive unzip zip Devel binutils bison flex gcc Editors gvim vim Graphics exif GrpahicsMagick ImageMagick Interpreters perl Net inetutils netcat ping whois Perl perl_manpages Shells bash_completion Text enscript Utils file patch Web wget I then modify the cygwin icon so that instead of having a target of: C:\cygwin\cygwin.bat it contains: C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe --login -i I create the directory c:\Home and make the HOME environment variable point to that location. I create single letter directories for each of my drives and mount the drives on them: mkdir /c /d mount c: /c mount d: /d mkdir /MyDocuments mount c:/MyDocuments /MyDocuments Replace c:/MyDocuments with whereever you MyDocuments folder exists. For convenience I normally drag it (in Windows Explorer) to the root of my C drive and rename it to not have the space in it. Edit the home directory in /etc/passwd (c:\cygwin\etc\passwd) for your userid to be /c/Home rather than /home/dhylands Note: There is one line in the passwd file for each user on your system. cd ~ svn co projects cd projects/bash ./ Exit from the current cygwin shell and start a new one. You should have a green prompt and be of the form: username@hostname pathname 99 > Where username@hostname are in dark green, and pathname is in a bright green. Customize this in the ~/.startup.d/ file. I also normally click on the System Menu (top corner of your command line prompt) Under the Layout tab: Set Screen Buffer Size Width to 160 Set Screen Buffer Size Height to 999 Set Window Size Width to 160 Under the Options tab: Ensure QuickEdit mode and Insert Mode are set Note; Quick Edit mode allows you to hilight text with the cursor (using a mouse). Pressing Enter copies the hilighted text into the clipboard. Pressing the right mouse button pastes the text. Click OK and choose "Modify shortcut which started this window" to make the changes permanent.